Friday, May 13, 2011

How to Get Pasadena Medical Marijuana Card

If you ever wondered how to get Pasadena medical marijuana card then you have found a great article regarding this process. If you are suffering from chronic symptoms that detract from your quality of life, medicinal cannabis may be the solution that you’ve been seeking. This informative article will apprise you of the laws in this city and how you can get Pasadena medical marijuana card.

Pasadena Medicinal Cannabis Laws

If you are seeking to get Pasadena medical marijuana card it is always wise to familiarize yourself with the medical marijuana laws in this city. Many cities in the state of California have their own specific city laws regarding how much medical marijuana you can grow, possess and use each month. Pasadena actually does not have its own adopted laws, and therefore follows the laws set by the state of California, which allows for card holders to “possess no more than eight ounces of dried marijuana and/or six mature (or 12 immature) marijuana plants.” Once you get Pasadena medical marijuana card you will be able to legally use medicinal cannabis, and you will even be able to access marijuana dispensaries so you can purchase your medicine, too.

Only Doctors Can Write Pasadena Marijuana Recommendations

Much like any other medicine that you may get from your doctor to treat any ailment, symptom or illness, the same is true with medicinal marijuana: Only a doctor can write you a recommendation so you can get Pasadena medical marijuana card. Beware of any places that promise same day cards, or that tell you that a nurse or doctor assistant will write you a marijuana recommendation, because only a licensed and state approved doctor can. Being evaluated for medicinal marijuana is a simple and relaxing procedure where you are not judged at all. In fact, the average appointment is between 20-30 minutes long, and then you are on your way with your written recommendation.

How to Get Pasadena Medical marijuana card

If you are seeking to get Pasadena medical marijuana card, then make sure that you take some quick notes on the steps that are outlined below. By following this simple checklist, you will be able to more easily obtain Pasadena medical marijuana card.

  1. Confirm an appointment to see a Pasadena marijuana doctor.
  2. See your doctor, and after being examined they will write you a Pasadena marijuana recommendation.  
  3. Make sure to submit your signed recommendation along with any other required documents and fees to the public health department of the state of California.
  4. In about 10-12 business days the state will issue you a valid Pasadena medicinal cannabis card.

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